
Dear members and visitors,

If you have already notice I have added a donation button on the site. The purpose of it its quite simple. I have received quite few requests of people who would like to donate and some of them would like to do it anonymously and so I thought this would work best for both.

My vision to start Pro Ace Predictions is to make scam free and we choose best of best predictors to predict
at Pro Ace. It has been an amazing journey, initially it was hard as I expected but each visitors, predictors and followers have greatly supported me to make this a big hit.
Now Pro Ace got another vision that will start from today which is to make world class website with all standards should meet the expectations.
For that we need some new features to be developed.
By donating 500 INR minimum per person will bring us as close to develop main features and Pro Ace will utilize this donations for new features and give cash away for weekly toppers via polling system too. This will encourage all and visitors and followers also get best of this every donation counts to improve standards features and for predictors so that all ill be benefited.

Your donation will be used for the site, however if you wish to donate to a particular predictor to show your gratitude for him, you may do it as well by adding a message with the request for it along with the predictor name.

PayPal is used for managing the donations and your details are protected by PayPal Secure Payments. You can read more about it here  

How to donate?

You will find a button just like the one bellow, you need to click on it and soon you will redirected to a PayPal page where you need to fill the necessary details.

The button can be found on the home page, side bar and in the daily posts as well.

 Pro Ace Predictions←Donation Button

IMPORTANT: You may encounter for a few times a screen similar to the ones showed bellow. This is completely fine and a security feature from PayPal to avoid robots etc. You just need to complete it and you will be back to where you were before.

Pro Ace Predictions

Step 1: Once you are on the PayPal Page, you will see a similar screen as showed bellow

Pro Ace Predictions

Step 2: After you have rechecked your details and click the “Review Donation and Continue” button you will be redirected to the page showed bellow.

Pro Ace Predictions

1- You may fill out a message here as entirely optional. If you are donating to a particular predictor you may do it here as well.

2- The account is GBP and so the amount will be converted from your bank currency to GBP. As for the example above, the bank card used is Euros and so it shows how much Euros would charge from the bank account while converting it to the GBP value.

3- All done and checked you may now click this button to proceed the payment.

Step 3: Transaction success message.

Pro Ace Predictions

Your donation is now complete and you now may click the button “Return to Pro Ace Predictions” to go back to the site.

Pro Ace Predictions thanks you for your donation.

If you still have any doubts or need any other explanation regarding how to make a donation you may contact me using the form bellow.

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